About the Human Brain Project
* including partner contributions
** 2013-2023
A Flagship project
The Human Brain Project (HBP) is one of the three FET (Future and Emerging Technology) Flagship projects. Started in 2013, it is one of the largest research projects in the world. More than 500 scientists and engineers at over than 140 universities, teaching hospitals, and research centres across Europe come together to address one of the most challenging research targets – the human brain.
To tame brain complexity, the project is building a research infrastructure to help advance neuroscience, medicine, computing and brain-inspired technologies – EBRAINS. The HBP is developing EBRAINS to create a lasting contribution to the scientific community.
It draws on cutting-edge neuroscience, big data, computing, robotics and related technologies to help translate the latest scientific discoveries into innovation in medicine and industry, for the benefit of patients and society. EBRAINS’ ambition is to provide the scientific community at large with an open state-of-the-art capability that fosters collaborative brain science, opens the way to ground-breaking discovery and aims to secure Europe’s leading position in the dynamically growing field of multidisciplinary brain research and its exploitation.
Liaise with your target audience
The HBP Summit 2023 sponsorship opportunities position you and your organisation as industry leader and provide the possibility to connect with leading scientists and engineers who act under the context of building a unified platform for a comprehensive understanding of the human brain and its diseases.
HBP Summit 2023
The Human Brain Project Summit 2023 provides an open forum for hundreds of researchers, plus policy makers, media and public, to discuss exciting scientific results, the latest developments in the project, and the cutting- edge services and tools available on the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure is a great opportunity to share the latest developments of the Human Brain Project with the community and external audiences.
For any questions, please contact summit2023@mcocongres.com
Contact us

MCO Congrès SAS
Villa Gaby
285, Corniche Kennedy
13007 Marseille – France