Welcome to Human Brain Project Summit 2023
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the Human Brain Project Summit 2023, which will take place in Marseille, France, on March 28-31, 2023. We’re excited to have an in-person event after our 2021 virtual summit.
The upcoming Summit will highlight the excellent scientific achievements of the HBP at the point when the ten-year Flagship project approaches its conclusion (in Sept. 2023) and the legacy that it will leave for the brain research community. The theme “Achievements and future of digital brain research” has been chosen to mark a special moment in the HBP, when we look at all our scientific achievements and the future of the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure.
The event will be a forum for stimulating and high-quality scientific exchange in different fields. Many European advances in the field of neurosciences, health and applications in clinical medicine, as well as brain-derived technologies will be presented. The programme has been carefully planned to offer you a memorable conference, it includes lectures, debates, a science market, a poster session and more…
We look forward to welcoming you in Marseille!
Katrin AMUNTS, Pawel SWIEBODA and Viktor JIRSA

Science Market
Discover the different booths at the HBP Summit 2023 Science Market
On Monday March 27, a full day will be dedicated to satellite training sessions free of charge
REGISTER TO SATELLITE DAY EVENTSThe Human Brain Project is excited to invite the scientific community to the HBP Summit 2023!
The Human Brain Project Summit 2023 provides an open forum for hundreds of researchers, plus policy makers, media and public, to discuss exciting scientific results, the latest developments in the project, and the cutting-edge services and tools available on the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure. It is also meant to be a valuable moment of exchange, discussion, and feedback.
The goal is for this meeting to be on-site. Please note that plans might have to be adapted according to COVID-19 measures. Practical details will be provided at a later stage.
For any questions, please contact summit2023@mcocongres.com